Degree Requirements

University Degree Requirements (140 credit hours)

To receive a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering, students must complete at least 140-144 credit hours. Students are required to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of upper-level courses (300-level or above) at AUK, of which at least 18 credit hours need to be taken in the major.

  • General Education Requirements, composed of (45-49)
    • Related field requirements applicable to Gen Ed requirements (16)
    • Remaining Gen Ed requirements (29-33)
  • Related Field Requirements not applicable to Gen Ed (26)
  • Major Requirements composed of: (69)
    • Computer Engineering Core (55)
    • Computer Engineering Electives (14)

Students must complete all courses (55 credit hours) listed in the computer engineering core courses and four elective courses and two lab electives (14 credit hours) from the computer engineering course electives.

Computer Engineering Core Courses (55 credit hours)

CPEG 210 Digital Logic Design (3)
CPEG 210L Digital Logic Design Laboratory (1)
CPEG 220 Computer Organization and Architecture (3)
CPEG 330 Microprocessors and Interfacing (3)
CPEG 330L Microprocessors and Interfacing Laboratory (1)
CPEG 340 Embedded System Design (3)
CPEG 340L Embedded System Design Laboratory (1)
CPEG 350 Data and Computer Communications (3)
CPEG 440 Computer Networks (3)
CPEG 475 Senior Design Capstone I (3)
CPEG 480 Senior Design Capstone II (3)
CSIS 130 Computer Programming II (4)[T]
CSIS 210 Data Structures and Algorithms (3)
CSIS 310 Introduction to Operating Systems (3)
CSIS 330 Software Engineering (3)
ELEG 220 Electric Circuits (3)
ELEG 220L Electric Circuits Laboratory (1)
ELEG 270 Electronics (3)
ELEG 270L Electronics Laboratory (1)
ELEG 320 Signals and Systems (3)
ELEG 320L Signals and Systems Laboratory (1)
ENGR 330 Engineering Economics (3)

Computer Engineering Course Electives (14 credit hours)

Four course electives (12 credit hours) and two lab electives (2 credit hours) must be selected in consultation with the academic advisor from 200-level or higher CPEG, ELEG, STEG, ENGR, and/or CSIS courses. The electives must be chosen according to the following rules:
  • At least two of the course electives must be CPEG courses.
  • At least one of the lab electives must be a CPEG lab.
  • At least two of the course electives must be 300-level or higher courses.
  • A maximum of one course elective can be selected from the following CSIS courses:
CSIS 230 Programming in a Second Language (3)
CSIS 250 Database Systems (3)
CSIS 255 Web Technologies (3)
CSIS 260 System Analysis and Design (3)
CSIS 300 E-Commerce (3)
CSIS 320 Principles of Programming Languages (3)
CSIS 370 Computer Graphics (3)
CSIS 400 Theory of Computation (3)
CSIS 401 Mobile Computing (3)
CSIS 405 Analysis of Algorithms (3)
CSIS 415 Artificial Intelligence (3)
CSIS 425 Advanced Software Engineering (3)
CSIS 440 Software Project Management (3)
CSIC 476 Computer Security and Information Assurance (3)

The remaining course electives are restricted to the following:

CPEG 369 Short Course (1-3)
CPEG 388 Independent Study (1-4)
CPEG 389 Special Topics in Computer Engineering (3)
CPEG 390 Introduction to the Internet of Things (3)
CPEG 422 Digital Signal Processing (3)
CPEG 430 Introduction of Soft Computing (3)
CPEG 441 Hardware/Software Co-Design (3)
CPEG 450 Network Security (3)
CPEG 455 Wirless Networks and Mobile Systems (3)
CPEG 460 Robotics (3)
CPEG 470 Internship in Computer Engineering (1-3)
ELEG 300 Engineering Electromagnetics (3)
ELEG 305 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3)
ELEG 321 Analog and Digital Filters (3)
ELEG 323 Measurement and Instrumentation (3)
ELEG 325 Communication Systems (3)
ELEG 389 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (3)
ELEG 421 Control Systems (3)
ELEG 422 Digital Control Systems (3)
ELEG 450 Modern Antennas in Wireless Telecommunications (3)
ELEG 472 CMOS Digital Circuit Design (3)
STEG 220 Engineering Statistical Analysis (3)
STEG 330 Operations Research I (3)
STEG 340 Engineering Project Management (3)
STEG 341 Production and Operations Management (3)
STEG 345 Quality Control (3)
STEG 350 Human Factors Engineering (3)
STEG 389 Special Topics in Systems Engineering (3)
STEG 451 Health and Safety Engineering (3)
ENGR 200 Engineering Design (3)
ENGR 300 Engineering Ethics (3)
ENGR 310 Engineering Entrepreneurship II (3)
ENGR 389 Special Topics (3)

Lab Electives are restricted to the following:

CPEG 201L Matlab Programming Laboratory (1)
CPEG 303L Advanced Programming for Engineers Laboratory (1)
CPEG 331L Automation and Data Acquisition Laboratory (1)
CPEG 350L Data and Computer Communications Laboratory (1)
ELEG 301L Programmable Logic Controllers Laboratory (1)
ELEG 323L Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory (1)
ELEG 421L Control Systems Laboratory (1)
STEG 220L Engineering Statistical Analysis Laboratory (1)
STEG 340L Engineering Project Management Laboratory (1)

The related field requirements component is composed of six math courses (20 credit hours), three science courses (12 credit hours), one computer science course (4 credit hours), and two management and entrepreneurship courses (6 credit hours). Students must complete:

Math Courses (20 credit hours)

MATH 201 Calculus I (3)[M]
MATH 203 Calculus II (3)[M]
MATH 207 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (4)
MATH 210 Differential Equations (3)[M]
MATH 213 Discrete Mathematics (3)[M]
STAT 214 Statistics for Engineers (4)[M]

Sciences Courses (12 credit hours)

PHYS 115 General Physics I (3)[P]
PHYS 115L General Physics I Laboratory (1)[P]
PHYS 116 General Physics II (3)[P]
PHYS 116L General Physics II Laboratory (1)[P]
CHEM 101 General Chemistry I (3)[P]
CHEM 101L General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)[P]

Computer Science Course (4 credit hours)

CSIS 120 Computer Programming I (4)[T]

Management and Entrepreneurship Courses (6 credit hours)

MGMT 201 Principles of Management (3)
ENGR 210 Engineering Entrepreneurship I (3)