Public Affairs

AUKMUN Celebrates World Teacher's Day

08th Oct 2017 | by the Department of PR & Marketing

October 5th, 2017 marked the special 23rd anniversary of the initiation of World Teachers' Day by UNESCO, and members of AUK's MUN honored the occasion by ornamenting the campus with red roses hung from every faculty office door.

In addition, AUKMUN expressed its sincere gratitude and acknowledgement to the educators that have inspired, enlightened, and motivated them by attaching little personalized thank you notes to the roses, as a simple token of unyielding gratitude.

The heartwarming interactions with the faculty on the morning of October 5th have been a very rewarding and memorable experience for the MUN members. They are deeply moved by the devotion of the faculty that is highlighted in their daily routine of waking up early, working long hours, and still listening to and helping resolve students' personal and academic issues with empathy, patience, and understanding.

Not only did the hallways smell of roses on Thursday morning, this small and delicate gesture has generated beaming smiles, and propelled other AUK students to express their appreciation towards their professors more freely.

This article was Written by AUKMUN Student Farah Hamoudah in appreciation of AUK Faculty

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